Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bitches in teh house

42 bitches came to see Disneybitch take on the stage at Fight-club, Stampen last Wednesday! Though this is a unconfirmed number we believe it is very true. The people that didn't show up have been in angst, or so we've heard (the crying in the streets).

Thank you for liking us and our music and we will see you all again!

-the three Piggies a.k.a. Disneybitch


marie guldager said...

spela på gula villan! : )

Matilda Åström said...

Idéinjektion - väldigt aktuella med svininfluensan, ni måste ju göra en låt om den?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Tack for intiresnuyu iformatsiyu